Scenic Resource Gallery


  • Production
    Scenehouse Theatre Design Programme
  • Scenic Artist
    Francis Gallop
  • Venue

These pictures are of work created by students on the 2 week Scenehouse Paint course. The course is about to run again and you can find out more it at, as well as the rest of the 8 week programme which covers theatre design and props making.

This intensive vocational course hosted last year at the Royal Lyceum's workshops in Edinburgh introduces students to a broad range of techniques and materials common to the industry. In their first week students covered basic skills such as stretching, priming and griding up, before moving rapidly on to cover a range of bravura techniques. In their second week they painted a small but complex set representing an aged and dilapidated cafe.

Students employed a wide range of techniques including stencilling, stamping, spray painting and dry brushing and washing into texture. Different mixes of rosco glazes were used to achieve the vary levels if sheen required to represent a part tiled wall. The peeling walls were built up with layers of subtle overpainted washes using supersaturates. All images © Robin C Mitchell (