Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
  • Lighting Designer
    Jake Gunter
  • Venue
    Kresge Little Theatre, Cambridge, MA
  • Producing Entity
    MIT Shakespeare Ensemble

1) Werner Heisenberg (the Nazi physicist) gathers his papers as he reminisces. He's inside a small house, and it's night outside. I used R69 on the wall to suggest a dim dusk sky, and an R06 toplight to suggest the overly-yellow feel of primitive incandescent lights.

2) Neils Bohr discusses the implications of nuclear weapons with his wife and with Werner Heisenberg, in an afterlife tea party. I used a low-intensity R60 front light to flatten shadows a little bit, along with R69 backlight and R65 sidelight (in this show, the gloomy and slightly blue-green R65 was perfect for differentiating scenes in which the characters look back on their past selves from an afterlife.

3) Margrethe Bohr looks on with disgust at the actions of Werner Heisenberg. While Mrs. Bohr is lit entirely with R65 sidelight, Heisenberg is half lit with R65 and half with R54. (This design utilized several spots of R54 top-side light that were used when characters delivered soliloquies about their actions.)

Colors Used:

  • R54
  • R60
  • R65
  • R69
  • R06