Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
  • Lighting Designer
    David Philyaw
  • Venue
    The Rearden Theater
  • Producing Entity
    Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School

This photo was taken during the song "All Good Gifts" from my high school's production of Godspell during February 2015. The only request of my director was to have bubbles throughout the entire number, which was an excellent complement to the fog when I saw how the natural fluorescence of the bubbles brought out the full spectrum of the colors we were shining through them. Colors used were R68 (for footlight), R312 (for down color), and R358 (for sidelight on the other dancers; not seen in photo). These colors were intentionally saturated so that the bubbles had more color to refract, which added to the ethereal theme. The rest of the stage was lit in cool tones to provide contrast to the warmth and light of Jesus (the man in the photo) in comparison to the dancers around him.

Colors Used:

  • R68
  • R358
  • R312