Color Resource Gallery


  • Lighting Designer
    chris walker

Wash - R384 - Midnight Blue
Window - R19 - Fire
R20 - Medium Amber
R53 - Pale Lavender
+ Other scraps/recycled pieces of previously used colour correction (R3208)

Production - Sister Act 2 - Back in the Habit @ Great Barr School, Birmingham, UK 4-6 July 2012.
Lighting Designer - Chris Walker

Lighting state used for the opening scene 'Raise your voice', taken from Sister Act 1. Pictures show the state with the white wash taken out, par cans washing the midnight blue, and 2 2K Fresnels backlighing the stained glass window, made using roscolux. The aim was to create a cold, dull environment of a monastery, whilst lifting the 'room' with the colourful window when the nuns began to sing.

Unfortunately pictures with actors in the light are unavailable due to child protection acts.

Colors Used:

  • R384
  • R19
  • R20
  • R53
  • R3208