Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    Christmas with Wartburg
  • Lighting Designer
    Hans Pregler
  • Venue
    Tour through Iowa
  • Producing Entity
    Dr. Lee Nelson

Christmas with Wartburg is a holiday concert with over 300 performers. It tours throughout Iowa at the beginning of December. I have been the lighting designer since 2005. This is the 2009 performance, one of my favorites. The white fabric across the proscenium represent angels wings. I used consumer LED lights of blue and white to light this. The front light is a R02 wash or a R119 wash depending on the effect wanted in each number. The orchestral shells are along the back and sides. I lit these with the standard cyc colors, (R124, R125, R126, and R127) throughout the show, mixing as needed. At certain parts of the show the director wanted a deep blue wash on the drops, this was accomplished with R80. Several moving fixtures are also used throughout the show to highlight parts of the artwork or to give an effect on the orchestral walls. The last number of the show is performed with just candles and a R49 wash on the drop and the manger scene, that slowly fade to darkness on the last few notes of the song. Dr. Lee Nelson of Waverly, Iowa has directed the performance since 2009. The artwork for the drop was designed by Janice Bergland of Charles City, Iowa. The pictures were taken by Julie Drewes and Amanda Gahler, both of Waverly, Iowa.

Colors Used:

  • R02
  • R119
  • R124
  • R125
  • R126
  • R127
  • R80
  • R49