Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
  • Lighting Designer
    C.J. Whitaker
  • Venue
    University of Virginia
  • Producing Entity
    Johnathan Larson

These photos are from First Year Player's Spring production of RENT by Jonathan Larson at the University of Virginia. It was directed to Erin McDonald. Producer - Jessie Wright.
In this seen, The Tango Maureen, I decided to use R57 from SR to illuminate the profile of the actors and to give a different feel to the seen since it is the only tango and one of the only dances. As top light I used R21 to continue the warm feeling along with a NC system. I was limited to two systems of front light for the show so I decided to use a less intense warm with R09. As the design team, we wanted to convey a grand change and show that this scene isn't actually happening, but is in the mind of the characters. The SR purple light helps the audience to understand this. The back up dances are also in slightly dimmer light with the main actors, Mark (Played by Phillip Rodgers) and Joanne (Played by Jenna Schilstra), are isolated in a spotlight. The audience and the Artistic Staff were able to understand the team's vision through the lighting choices and other team member's choices.

Colors Used:

  • R57
  • R21
  • R09