Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    Lips Together, Teeth Apart
  • Lighting Designer
    Jason Tollefson
  • Venue
    UCF Conservator Theatre
  • Producing Entity
    Terrance McNally

This is a photo from the UCF Conservatory Theatre's production of "Lips Together, Teeth Apart" by Terrence McNally. It was directed by Christopher Niess with scenery by Luke Hopper.

The majority of the action takes place during the day, on the Fourth of July on a deck overlooking the beach. I knew I needed to create a bright, sunny day and I wanted to create an ultra-realistic environment for the two couples to inhabit to contrast the alien life they were witnessing around them. To accomplish this I took more scientific approach to color selection rather than interpretive. I chose Rosco #3204, Half Blue, for all the key light. It boosted the color temperature of the tungsten sources up to 4100K, which is much closer to the color temperature of actual sunlight. The only other color used on the playing area was a little Rosco #06, No Color Straw, to warm up the deck boards. I was really amazed and pleased with the effect.

The dappled shadows you see are the result of three systems of Rosco cloud breakup gobos: Cloud 7, 8 and 11.

The sky panel was a blend of Rosco #68 and #80.

Colors Used:

  • R3204
  • R06