Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    tender of you too
  • Lighting Designer
    Ryan Seffinger
  • Venue
    Morse-Stiles Crescent at Yale University
  • Producing Entity
    Michaela Johnson

R07 in a PAR worked really well in the first photo to simulate a single lightbulb in a closet. The R48 and R337 highlights were really nice to create a magical, surreal feeling in the scenes that called for it, like in the second picture. A combination of R58 and R25, well as less saturated R356 and R317 respectively, worked really nicely for a back and side light combo. The second picture shows some of these mixed together and the third picture shows how nice and deep R58 + R25 were able to mix as heavy backlight during a scene where these characters were not the focus of attention.

Colors Used:

  • R07
  • R48
  • R337
  • R58
  • R25
  • R356
  • R317
  • R02
  • R60