Color Resource Gallery


  • Lighting Designer
    Lanny Potts

To create the rising sun through the trees needed for the musical number "Shine" I used r339 and r41 as a split gel in two fixtures that were combined with a prismatic glass gobo.
The "brighter sun in the center" effect was accomplished two ways. Photometrically, the beams of the two 70 degree fixtures (6'-0" throw distance) crossed and overlapped, helping the center area to have more light output; and also, the warmer hue (and greater transmission) of the r41 split gel helped the center area of the cyc to appear brighter, as the outside edges of the r339 split gel (with less transmission) appeared cooler, less intense, and allowed the pinkish beam edges to "run away" on the cyc.
This provided a "built-in" natural dimming curve upon the asymmetric convex curve of the cyc, allowing the sunrise cues to then be built around this brighter center focal point.

Credits: Photo: Gayla Fox (Gayla Fox Photography). Director: Kathy Mulay. Scenic: W. Doug Blickle. Lighting: Lanford (Lanny) Potts. Costumes: Donna McKenna. Theatre: Farmers Alley Theatre, Kalamazoo, Michigan. Production: The Spitfire Grill. With Erin Oechsel as Percy and Steve Hodges as "the silent visitor".

Colors Used:

  • R339
  • R41