Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    The Love of the Nightingale
  • Lighting Designer
    Joshua Klein
  • Venue
    Paramount Black Box
  • Producing Entity
    Emerson College

Nightingale 1 - Bacchae festival, full of life and color, and lit by fire, I used a lot of rich purples, oranges, reds, and other similar hues.
Nightingale 2 - Thrace, a place of drab, of war. Used neutral gray and cool colors to create a lifelessness.
Nightingale 3 - Nighttime by a pool of water, I used the drab colors of Thrace to set the scene, but with vivid blues on the pool to make the actress pop in the pool.
Nightingale 4 - Same scene as 3, but now she has stood up and there is fire in her soul. The blues are toned down, and reds are mixed in, and it is dark all around her.

Colors Used:

  • R42
  • R24
  • R49
  • R398
  • R364
  • R76
  • R83
  • R19
  • R26
  • R318