Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    Urinetown The Musical
  • Lighting Designer
    Jamie Garrard
  • Venue
    Southwestern College

The director's vision for the production of "Urinetown: The Musical" at Southwestern College was to present a show with elements of Orwell’s 1984 in mind, but exaggerated into comedy. Images of Gotham city and acid colors, rather than natural, are the ideas which fueled this production. Roscolux 86 (Pea Green) enhanced the sewer scenes, giving the stage a hint of rank humor. This color was introduced with a special from the sewer entrance, and filled in the stage as the location on stage was identified. The use of R86 against the scrim in the final ghost scene between Bobby and Little Sally completed the feeling of dank despair as they started a new revolution against the UGC members.

Production Credits:
Southwestern College
April 2009
Director: Allyson Moon
Scenic Design: Rachel Prochaska
Lighting Design: Jamie Garrard
Costume Design: Miwa Ishii

Colors Used:

  • R36
  • R86