Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    A...My Name is Alice
  • Lighting Designer
    Emmett Buhmann
  • Venue
    Snowy Range Summer Theatre
  • Producing Entity
    Lehigh Selting

"A...My Name is Alice" produced at Snowy Range Summer Theatre in Laramie, Wyoming. Director: Leigh Selting. Lighting Designer: Emmett H. Buhmann. Scenic Designer: Ron Steger. Costume Designer: Landee Lockhart. Photographs taken by Don Turner and Tim Buhmann.

Down washes of R382 and R34 combined with a rear texture wash of R325 through R78419 "Stuco Leaves" gobo. These proved to be versitile choices in the small studio space allowing the action to become either appropriately large or intimate.

Colors Used:

  • R382
  • R325
  • R34