Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
  • Lighting Designer
    David Warfel
  • Venue
    University of Illinois

I needed to create a bright afternoon in an English country house. It really needed to be the appearance of no color throughout the show.

Since "no color" doesn't really exist - even lights without gel have some kind of measureable color – the challenge then becomes a bit more like answering an unanswerable question: finding the right no color.

Fortunately, our perception of color is relative. We can be convinced that just about any color is "white" based on what other colors we see. That makes choosing a natural color palette easier. We don't really have to match daylight, so long as there are no real windows in our space to give us away.

Colors Used:

  • R3410
  • R3216
  • R3208
  • R61
  • R3315
  • R68