Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    Hope Restored
  • Lighting Designer
    Craig Rutherford
  • Venue
    Big Daddy Weave

These are photos from the "Hope Restored" tour that Big Daddy Weave headlined, with Aaron Shust. I rarely get excited about front light colors, but a theatre guy in Canada turned me onto Rosco 351 (Lavender Mist) as a front light color, and I've used it ever since. It cools things a bit, pulls out some of those muddy browns you can get with ungelled conventionals. At the same time, it doesn't give you that "cold" look that you can sometimes get with a standard CTB filter. It's perfect for what I do.

If you're into that sort of thing, there's a video of one of the concerts here: You can clearly see the difference between the straight 3200K open white on the ladies singing and the concert video.

Lighting / production designer: Craig Rutherford (I also programmed and ran all the shows.)

Colors Used:

  • R351