Color Resource Gallery


  • Lighting Designer
    Chris Uhl

Production: Into the Woods
Lighting Designer: Chris Uhl

This show called for a wide range of colors. A common motif I used throughout the show is lavender. To light the front of the stage (areas 1,2,& 3) R07 and R51 were used. Colors R57 and R68 were used throughout the stage to create an even wash. The show called for multi-colored backlighting. R51, R68, R58, E181, R94, and R26 provided the highly saturated hues that were required. The top of the CYC was lit with R68. The moonlight effect was created by using R60 on a beam projector. I used C3152 (Urban Vapor) to backlight Mike, the narrator, because it provided a beautiful contrast to the overall daylight balance.

Production credits:
Director: James Yeara
Lighting: Chris Uhl, Mike Mysliwiec, Nick Nealon, Chad Turner, Annie Furman, and Sarah Edgar.

Colors Used: