Color Resource Gallery


  • Production
    Angel and Collins
  • Lighting Designer
    Caitlin Eby
  • Venue
    RENT, Western Michigan University Shaw Theare
  • Producing Entity
    Jay Berkow

Production Photos: RENT, Western Michigan University Shaw Theatre. Directed by Jay Berkow, Lighting Design by Caitlin Eby. Rosco colors used: Rx347, Rx80, Rx27, Rx85, Rx304 Rx362, Rx55.

Most of the show was lit using color mixing of the Rosco RGB primary colors. We wanted to add some boldness to the show and to differentiate the Angel and Collins scenes from the rest of it. I felt that their scenes were among the few truly happy, loving, and pain-free moments in the show. To draw this distinction I used a strong purple back light, Rx347, in all of their moments together. All except Angel's AIDS scene during "Without You" in which I used a cold blue Varilite wash. In the following funeral scene, I brought the purple lights back during "I'll Cover You Reprise". By doing this we hoped to juxtapose the two scenes visually as well as emotionally. We also hoped to remind the audience during the funeral of the times that Angel and Collins were happy together, rather than the difficult times they shared during her death.

Colors Used:

  • R347
  • R80
  • R27
  • R85
  • R304
  • R362
  • R55